Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What were the positive aspects of using the blogs in the course?

      The most positive part of using the blogs for this course was that they simply made these writing assignments fun! And of course, because of all this was an online deal, there was no need for making any hard copies to turn in. This was the only class I had that gave me the luxury of being able to turn in assignments in the comfort of my own bed! Another definite positive was that I got exposed to using blogs in general. I used to think that blogs were almost annoying, but through the blogs prompts I was able to get very deep in thought and personal with some of my posts. Now I see that blogs are perhaps the easiest most unofficial way of getting your opinion out into the media. The fact that we were also able to see everyone else’s blogs was also a positive thing. You were able to see what others thought about social, economical, and global issues involving the media. Perhaps even the creativity was challenged in designing you’re blog was something that came out as a great thing for me. I had no idea I was extremely picky with the presentation of any type of online work. So, I can’t imagine what type of web designer I would be. Blogging helped me realize this and I’m going to consider that a positive in my book.  

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Globalization is a process that closes the gap between people on a global scale and is a result of media changes over the last few years. The creation of the cell phone made it possible for people to become more interconnected with one another on a mobile basis, and the coming of the internet kicked up the interconnectedness among nations, cultures, and all other people. After the infrastructure of the internet, the world finds itself being only 1/3 online while 2/3 of the world's population still excluded, and many nations are marginalized. 

Monday, November 8, 2010



In this advertisement, there is a powerful message being graphically put across about animal abuse. This is powerful because the advertisement puts up very detailed visuals and descriptions on the sorts of things they are used to seeing being done to animals. The characteristic appeal to this advertisement in particular is safety in that we should become more involved with the dangers and cruelty that poor defenseless animals face on a day to day basis. This advertisement exemplifies the appeal safety because the clearly the safety of the dog for example in the advertisement on the top is being shown being caged up. The advertisement on the botton shows duck tape, a gasoline container, and a cat. You can only imagine the sorts of things this organization has seen as far as when it comes to the safety of these animals being in danger.